How To Divert Your Business Calls

It is highly likely that all business large and small will need to consider and implement a mobility strategy for its telephony at some point. Being able to quickly address the issue to ensure that inbound calls from customers are always answered is simple to achieve.

Think Cloud Mobility can provide your business with the very best communications tools. Find out more by booking a free consultation by clicking here

What set up do you currently need for diverting your business calls?

Think Admin Divert – (Fixed Line Admin Divert)

What does it do?

A BT telephone exchange divert placed on your landline number which diverts ALL calls to another number of your choosing.

Why do you need it?

Easy way to divert your calls to a single number. Think will manage the divert and take off or change whenever you need to.

How much does it cost?

SET UP  : Free

COST     : £6 per month

Don’t forget that there will be charges for the diverted call.

Think Smart Divert – (Fixed Line Smart Divert)

What does it do?

Advanced “feature” that we can apply to your landline.

Using the keys on your landline handset you can specify rules for diverting your inbound calls. There are 3 options:-

Why do you need it?

Flexible service to divert your calls allowing the ability to provide a divert to more than one phone number. Think will manage the divert and take off or change whenever you need to.

How much does it cost?

SET UP  : Free

COST     : £1.50 per month

Think Cloud Inbound – (Fixed Line To Cloud Divert)

What does it do?

Very flexible options for diverting to calls to multiple users. Turns every voicemail into an email. Instant control of your incoming calls with a mobile app.

Why do you need it?

Full proof solution for businesses that need to manage multiple calls with multiple people. Easy to use and comes with easy to use features to make sure your business stays full operational.

How much does it cost?

SET UP  : Free

COST     : £15.00 per month